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2021 Holiday Yarn - Day 14

Spoiler Alert!

If you don't wish to know about today's colourway from the 2021 Scream Your T!ts Off Holiday Yarn Kit, then look away now.

You have been warned!
Multiple skeins of brightly variegated yarn burst out of the top of a black brasserie with gold stars, all on a pale wooden background


Colourway name

Lovely Jubblies - blue-green with undertones of pink, purple, orange and yellow 

  Multiple variegated mini skeins of yarn in blue-green with undertones of pink, purple, orange and yellow lying vertically on the screen.

Song of the Day

This choice was super easy - one happy song about Lovely Jubbly! 😄

A song designed for kids about God's creations, I defy you to NOT tap your toes whilst listening to this; I've even found another puppet version to entertain you visually.

PS: what sound does a snail make?


Colour Progression

 Fourteen variegated mini skeins of yarn in shades of grey, mauve and purple to blue with white labels are arranged from darkest grey at left to lightest grey then through mauve to purple then blues at right, lying on a brown wooden background.


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